Panoramic view of Manhattan, showing Brooklyn Bridge under construction
The commercial photographer Joshua H. Beal worked out of a studio at 16 Beekman Street, where he created this composite image from five exposures. To take the photographs, he hauled heavy camera equipment, glass plate negatives, and a tripod up 30 flights of stairs to the top of the eastern tower of the still-incomplete Brooklyn Bridge. The Manhattan tower of the bridge, visible here, was not finished until 1883. Without the barrier of modern skyscrapers, the vantage point offers a clear view of the Hudson River, the coast of New Jersey, and lower Manhattan landmarks such as Trinity Church. Also visible are the city’s first two skyscrapers, the 9-story New York Tribune headquarters and the 10-story Western Union building, both all-masonry structures completed in 1875.
: The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs, Photogra…
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Items in New York City
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Map of the City of New York., with annotations
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Panoramic view of Manhattan, showing Brooklyn Bridge under construction
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Diary kept by Helen Lansing Grinnell
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The New York Hymnal
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East Village Eye
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Berenice Abbott’s photograph of the Murray Hill Hotel
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