Two photographs from Central Park in 1862
One of the earliest photographers to work in New York, Victor Prevost studied photography in France under Paul Delaroche and Gustave Le Gray. In 1850 he came to New York and established a studio at Broadway and Bleecker Street, but he achieved only limited commercial success and gave up photography as a career in 1857. He continued, however, to take photographs of major construction projects in New York City, the most important of which are his images of the then-new Central Park. Shot mostly during the summer of 1862, these photos reveal a rapidly changing landscape: the once-rural Manhattan north of 59th Street giving way to urban development.
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Items in New York City
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Otto Sibeth’s Map of the Central Park
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Two photographs from Central Park in 1862
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18th-century plan of New York City
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Map of the City of New York., with annotations
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Panoramic view of Manhattan, showing Brooklyn Bridge under construction
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