New-York Gazette
William Bradford achieved many firsts in the field of printing during a career that spanned nearly 60 years, including publishing New York City’s initial newspaper, the New-York Gazette. First appearing in November 1725, the paper was far from a success; its editorial content typically ran from staid to stale, consisting mainly of shipping manifests and months-old dispatches from Europe. It was carelessly edited, its advertising was sparse, and subscriptions were never plentiful. Bradford persisted with his newssheet despite these difficulties, distributing it regularly until his retirement in November 1744.
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Items in New York City
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The Charter of the City of New-York
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1726 issue of New-York Gazette
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Exterior location shot for West Side Story
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Album de la construction de la Statue de la Liberté (Photo #12)
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Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi’s journal
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